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Producer Media — отзыв работника «semyonanisimov» о работе в компании

(Рейтинг: 4.18) (Количество проголосовавших: 30)
Сфера деятельности: Размещение рекламы в интернете


Producer Media – это технологическая IT-компания для инфлюенсеров и брендов. Среди наших партнеров такие крупные рекламодатели, как Ашан, Lacoste, МТС, Золотое Яблоко, Летуаль, AliExpress, iHerb и многие другие. Мы сотрудничаем со всемирно известными брендами большинства стран мира. Компания имеет свою IT-инфраструктуру и развивает своих лидеров мнений.
я владелец!
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You can start working at Producer Media as an HR manager without any work experience. This is my first job. The company has many employees who are well versed in their field. If you have any questions, you can contact them, and they are always ready to help. I have always been answered normally and patiently. You will be able to gradually integrate into the team. Negative aspects: I cannot find any negative aspects of working at Producer Media Positive aspects: I would like to note two important positive aspects of working at Producer Media. Firstly, it is very easy to start working here. Without any work experience, you can quickly get used to it and start performing your duties. Secondly, I really like that I can always contact the company's contact center and the company's employees will answer any questions I have

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